I have been volunteering for the “Microplastic free 2030” campaign since I was 3 years old – that’s me in the red dress.
This is an awareness campaign run by the Centre for Big Synergy(CBS), a CSO of the UN DESA, and aims to reach over 4.23 million schools and nurseries across the globe to help limit microplastic pollution. It aims at making over 1 billion children (and their families) aware of microplastic pollution and inspire them to combat it. Through the project, children and eventually their families are being inspired to make conscious choices of products and practices, to be able to limit major causes of microplastic pollution by 2030.
I have assisted in educational sessions conducted by CBS for deprived school children in India. I volunteered to make an awareness video about microplastic pollution, especially for children like me. The video has been used in educational sessions by CBS and have been watched by thousands of children across the world. also wrote a letter to Santa asking for plastic free gifts to encourage other children to do the same.
Several thousand children in the UK and abroad have been made aware of microplastic pollution and its dangers through my videos and camps I have participated in. The campaign is ongoing and over 50,000 schools and colleges in the UK and across the world have been made aware of microplastic pollution and means to combat that.